

校友博士. 乔纳森·埃弗哈特(Jonathan Everhart)是金融创新和技术领域的领导者

Dr. 乔纳森·R. 埃弗哈特会计师事务所., MCSI (ms ' 11, dba ' 17)

在担任美国顾问期间.S. 政府、世界银行及联合国、威斯康星大学校友. 乔纳森·R. 埃弗哈特会计师事务所., MCSI (ms ' 11, dba ' 17), has quickly become recognized as a global leader in financial innovation and technology.

In August 2022, Everhart was appointed to the United States Investment Advisory Council by U.S. 商务部长吉娜·雷蒙多. He was also invited to join the prestigious 布雷顿森林委员会 as a member of the Future of Finance Working Group earlier this year.

Everhart是公司的董事长、首席执行官和首席投资官 Global RE Holdings该公司与威斯康星大学校友凯尔·厄特巴克(11届硕士)共同创立。.

虽然有时成功似乎来得很快, the path to success is often long; paved with hard-work, 准备和信念. 这就是埃弗哈特的情况.

He shared his journey with us from his time as a UIW student to a decorated thought leader in international finance.

Q: As a two-time graduate of UIW, what was your overall experience like at UIW? 在课堂内外,它教会了你什么?

A: My experience at UIW was a key part of my educational and professional foundation. 的 small class sizes and collaborative community at UIW allowed me to establish lasting relationships with professors like Dr. 安妮特·克雷文和同学们,比如我的商业伙伴凯尔·厄特巴克.

会计硕士课程使我成为一名注册会计师, while the DBA program enabled me to become a tenured corporate law professor and a global finance leader. Also, I am from Corpus Christi, so being 关闭 to home was beneficial in me attending UIW!

Q: What person, course or experience had the most influence on you at UIW?

答:博士. 安妮特•克雷文, former UIW professor and director of the UIW Doctor of Business Administration program, has been instrumental to my career since I took her graduate Business Communications course.

我的公司是从她课堂上的一个商业计划作业开始的. 我的合伙人, 凯尔, and I created the business plan and agreed to start the company after I finished law school.

此外,博士. 克雷文一直是我的良师益友, from my global policy work with the United Nations to her recruiting me back to complete my doctorate at UIW. 从她自己在世界各地的职业努力中. 克雷文 told me that I would have the opportunity to speak at the United Nations. 她在我身上看到了这一点.

然而, she told me that I needed to have the title of “Doctor” in front of my name in order for my words to carry weight among other global leaders at a forum like the United Nations. 她是对的.

In 2018, my company was selected as one of only 15 companies globally to join the 联合国绿色科技创业倡议的全球社区.

我是这个项目的顾问委员会成员. 的 United Nations Secretariat asked me to speak at the United Nations Science-Policy-Business Forum in 2019 on behalf of the advisory board, due to my expertise and the fact that I was the only person on the board who held a doctorate degree.

Dr. 克雷文的指导让我为这次机会做好了准备, 在我事业的发展中,她继续指导我.

问:你在多个学术领域获得了10多个学位. 是什么激励了你的学习之旅?

A: Getting an education is very important within my family and was instilled in me during my upbringing. I have also had a handful of professors along my journey who have encouraged me to continue my education.

作为一个黑人,我很早就在公司里学到了这一点, 获得学位是展示我的知识、打开大门的最好方式.

我的家人,博士. 克雷文, other mentors and colleagues… these individuals had the foresight from their own experience to see what I can do and where I can go. 但他们也知道我需要做些什么才能“坐到谈判桌前”.’

Simply reading books about a subject or attending continuing education courses was not enough. 的 degree or license behind my name and on my resume carried much more weight.

你可以从我的成就中看到, this has opened doors to many opportunities that I would not have if I did not have a degree to show for it.

问:在你担任美国投资咨询委员会成员期间, how will you help develop attractive opportunities for investment in the United States?

答:作为顾问委员会成员, I will be providing advice and counsel on foreign direct investment and emerging capital markets technologies that can increase the $5 trillion in foreign direct investment in the United States.

所有安理会成员都有广阔的视野, 通过他们的公司, 他们在商业领域的敏锐和对政策的洞察力.

例如, our company is currently launching a publicly traded private equity firm – called InnovativCapital Corp. -在纳斯达克证券交易所上市. Our private equity firm is pioneering an innovative asset management investment platform using our global leading Kognetics® technology, 哪些有助于吸引外国直接投资.

We worked with Nasdaq’s Investment Intelligence division to create our innovative investment platform using Kognetics®. Kognetics® has been recognized by the World Economic Forum as one of the top 10 leading technologies globally shaping the future of the capital markets sector.

的 World Bank and United Nations have also recognized the technology and its impact. I advised the World Bank on an initiative regarding Kognetics® use for emerging markets economic development. 去年,我在联合国也谈到了这个问题.

This is the type of advisory expertise I will contribute to the Council and U.S. 商务部长雷蒙多.

问:您最近被邀请加入布雷顿森林委员会, 一个致力于有效的全球经济和金融合作的组织. Can you tell us more about the type of work you’ll be delivering with this committee?

布雷顿森林委员会 is the preeminent organization of global leaders in finance and economics. 的 布雷顿森林协定 实际上在1944年创立了世界银行和国际货币基金组织.

我与其他受人尊敬的领导人一起加入了委员会. 成员包括博士. 小罗杰·弗格森. (美国前副主席.S. 联邦储备系统, 威廉·罗兹(前花旗银行董事长兼首席执行官), Afsaneh Beschloss (RockCreek Group首席执行官), 博士和. 亨利·基辛格(美国前总统.S. 国务卿).

我目前在未来金融工作小组任职. 我们评估新兴趋势, 挑战, 全球金融服务行业的机遇和想法. I am a lead drafter for several policy briefs on the impact of emerging technologies on the worldwide fintech, 网络安全和区块链应用.

此外, 我会定期参加活动, such as the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank Group, to engage with international financial institutions and their member governments.

我们的目标是促进开放和一体化的市场, 国际商业与贸易, 投资机会.

Q: If you were to speak to UIW undergraduate Business of Administration students now, 你会给他们什么样的个人和职业建议?


首先,实现目标没有捷径. 你必须完成这个过程. Second, prepare yourself to seize future opportunities that will eventually come.

Too many times, I see people focusing on whether they will get opportunities. 如果你经历了这个过程, 正如我之前提到的, 神应许我们机会就在那里.

因此, you should be focusing on preparing yourself through having the right knowledge, 凭证, experience and network so that you can capitalize on the opportunity when it arrives. 我希望我的经历能证明这一点.